Qualifi Level 3 Diploma in Early years Education and Care (Early Years Educator)


About This Course

A well-known program that offers thorough training in the subject of early childhood teaching is the Level 3 Diploma in Early Years teaching and Care (Early Years Educator). The primary goal of this course is to foster the fundamental knowledge and abilities required to become a qualified early childhood educator. Gaining a firm foundation in all facets of early years education and care, from curriculum preparation and inclusive teaching techniques to child development and protection, is guaranteed. This certificate equips you for fulfilling professions as a nursery practitioner, preschool teacher or childcare provider with real-world experience and content pertinent to the sector. To begin your journey in the exciting and rewarding field of early childhood education and care, enroll now.

Qualification Structure

The Qualification is designed for students who are employed or hope to work and who have children in a variety of environments, ages one to five. The degree equips graduates with the skills necessary to work as Early Years Educators, allowing them to work with children as young as five years old and learn about those who are six or seven years old. It builds the information and abilities needed to interact with infants up to age five and comprehend the typical growth patterns of children in the age range of five to seven. Additionally, the certificate offers chances for learners pursuing Early Years Educator status to have their competence confirmed.

Awarding Body

Qualifi is recognised as an Awarding Organisation (AO) by the Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation. This is a non-ministerial UK government departments that regulate qualifications, exams and assessments. Qualifi provides a more flexible, cost effective route for learners to achieve degrees and masters degrees through its progression routes with Universities.


  • Accessible qualification without artificial barriers to access and progression.
  • Entry through a center interview.
  • Applicants should be aged 16 or over and possess a Level 2 qualification.
  • Experienced managers without formal qualifications may be considered based on interview and ability demonstration.

Qualifi Level 3 Diploma in Early years Education – Mandatory Units

Module 1: Supporting healthy lifestyles for children through food, nutrition and exercise.

The “Supporting Healthy Lifestyles for Children” module of the Qualifi Level 3 Diploma in early years education emphasizes the development of balanced behaviors. It addresses the fundamentals of nutrition, meal planning, and age-appropriate physical activity encouragement with the goal of fostering young children’s overall wellbeing.

Developing physical care routines for all children, especially those with illnesses, is the main goal of the Qualifi Level 3 Diploma in early years education module. It addresses specific methods for caring for children, keeping them clean, and fostering situations that are encouraging in order to promote holistic well-being in early childhood settings.

In the Qualifi Level 3 Diploma in early years  education module, fostering young children’s social and emotional development is given top priority. In order to ensure holistic development in early years education and care settings, it places a strong emphasis on developing supportive environments, putting emotional well-being techniques into practice, and encouraging positive social connections.

The Qualifi Level 3 Diploma subject covers all of a mother’s and baby’s needs, from before they are born to their first year. It covers prenatal care, health care for mothers, and basic needs for babies, so that everyone can get good care in the early years.

  • Building a safety culture in the workplace

An Early Years practitioner supports and encourages the overall growth of young children by doing things like play-based learning, building social skills, making sure the setting is safe, and giving each child individualized care and support. This sets the stage for lifelong learning and well-being.

  • Mitigating risks associated with various hazards

Laws that control Early Years practice make sure that children are safe, that the curriculum is good, and that health and safety standards are met. The EYFS framework, the Children Act, the Health and Safety at Work Act, and the Equality Act are some of these. They make sure that all the rules for child welfare and growth are followed.

Working in partnership means working together with families, professionals, and towns to help kids grow in all areas of their lives. It encourages good conversation, mutual respect, and common goals, which makes sure that everyone works together and provides a safe place for kids to learn and grow.

Working in partnership means working together with families, professionals, and towns to help kids grow in all areas of their lives. It encourages good conversation, mutual respect, and common goals, which makes sure that everyone works together and provides a safe place for kids to learn and grow.

The program focuses on improving kids’ reading, writing, math, and talking skills. It has activities that help kids improve their reading, math and language skills. This way, they can get individualized help to improve skills that are important for their general education.

The module checks to see if kids are ready for school by figuring out their social, mental, and educational needs. It works on building important skills like independence, communication, and basic literacy to make the move to school easier and get kids ready for it.

The module examines the cognitive development of children, with an emphasis on their abilities to reason, learn, and solve problems. It involves comprehending the progressive development of their cognitive processes, such as language, memory, and creativity, which is crucial for cultivating holistic approaches to early childhood education and care.

The objective of this module is to foster well-being among children by means of age-appropriate exercises that improve coordination, motor skills and health-related behaviors. It consists of routines, activities and exercises designed to promote their physical development and well-being.

With an emphasis on assisting children with special needs, this module implements inclusive practices and individualized assistance. It entails comprehending a variety of requirements, modifying activities accordingly, and working in conjunction with specialists and families to establish an atmosphere that fosters the comprehensive growth of every child.
This module makes use of resources and research to support children’s development. It entails customizing activities to support holistic development and foster each child’s individual potential by using evidence-based techniques, instructional aids, and a variety of resources.
The continuous professional development of early childhood educators is the main topic of this module. It entails reflective practices, ongoing learning, and keeping up with emerging trends in order to cultivate the knowledge and abilities necessary to offer young children high-quality care and education.

Why Choose Us:

  • 70+ Certification courses
  • Certified Instructor-Led Training
  • High-tech Infrastructure
  • British Council Approved Test Venue
  • KHDA Accredited & QAQC Certified
  • Autodesk Authorised Training Center
  • Affordable Pricing Plans
  • Weekdays & Weekend Classes

To enroll in our Qualifi Level 3 Diploma in Early Years Education and Care Early Years Educator in Dubai Call us at +971 58 103 6887.