Our Story

Learnovate in Dubai offers a reliable place to learn new skills. Choose from recognized courses and receive practical guidance from experienced professionals to achieve your career goals.

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Our History

Our Story illustrates that back in 2016, people from the remote desert Area of Thaar suffered from the deadliest drought. And just due to lack of food deficiency more than 450 kids lost their lives. We actively participated to provide those people food, water and started a project, and introduce water bottle carriers. Our story tells you that a person from villages, especially women travels miles to get drinking water. Normally they are using pitchers for carrying water but there are many cases reported which cause severe spinal and backbone injuries due to heavy lifting of pitchers on their heads. We introduced water carrier bottles with the help of different NGOs which helps them to carry water. Whenever, any candidate becomes part of our training center a specific amount would be transferred to those NGOs, working in remote areas on water and health projects.

We worked relentlessly to put together a Dubai-worthy concept, Our story reflects a team & a philosophy to make education available to everyone, everywhere, anytime. Especially to those, who have a hunger for it, yet cannot find access to it for whatever reason! With us, they have a team, a place, a promise & a future.

Our training methodology

Observation is the key to innovation. When you observe a newborn baby the first thing from which he starts learning is by visualizing the people around him. Then later, he listens and learns even he is not able to speak but whenever you call him by his name he will give you reactions, and later after continuous listening to words he starts speaking and pronouncing those words. But after all these learning phases he writes alphabets in the end.

The same is the case for every language, if you want to learn any new language you need to see, listen, speak and then write. Our methodology is based on the same science of learning procedures. Learn courses in Dubai with Learnovate. Learn to innovate, you start your innovation journey with this tip of the pencil and we are here to serve the platform so you can produce the best of you.

Our doors are open 7 days a week for everyone who wants to learn and innovate with a free parking facility.

We want the Learnovate training center to be an inspirational leader in the field of Languages, IT, Culture, and Professional development- For all those wishing to master their fields in language or Computer communication, our super flexible & Proficient Learnovate-team focuses on people of all ages, background & cultures. We provide 5 different languages more than 7 certifications in IT and Certification in the Digital market and hotel management courses with paid Internships. Best training Center for courses in Dubai. Whether face to face, at our beautiful office in Burdubai, Virtually any part of the world, or on your company premises.


We are located on the main Khalid bin Waleed road BurDubai i.e heart of Dubai right in the middle of Al Fahidi(exit 1) 1min walk and Burjman (exit 3) 3mins walk.

Office number 301 Landmark Habib Bank AG Zurich, (Al Jawahrah Building) Khalid bin Waleed Road, Bur Dubai.